Proficient Reading: 35%
Distinguished Reading: 14%
Proficient Math: 19%
Distinguished Math: 3%
2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Bath County Schools
*Minimum of 4 credits from the art curriculum. Classes include Art 1, Art 2, Art 3, Art 4, Digital Imaging, and ART 160 (dual credit course through Morehead State University)
*Minimum 4.0 GPA in art classes
*Minimum 3.0 GPA in all classes
*Participation in a minimum of 6 juried events in 4 years
Juried events include the KyAEA Burley/Coal Regional Competition at Morehead State University, Gateway Regional Student Competition in Mt. Sterling, Morehead Arts Council Regional Competition at Morehead and the Bath County Mayday Student Art Competition in Owingsville. Other events may be added as are available. Provisions will be made for students affected by canceled events due to COVID.
*Active participation in Art Club. Students must maintain their active status by accumulating points by participating in Art Club activities during school and outside of school hours
*Senior portfolio completed and submitted to a committee designated by the current Art teacher to include 3 members. Portfolios must include a minimum of 10 pieces showing breadth of experience and specialization in one medium. Portfolio must receive a rating of 3 using established portfolio guidelines.